Home 9 My Base RTM 9 Locking of Balcony Doors

Locking of Balcony Doors

22 February 2022

Balcony Doors

We have undertaken a risk assessment in which we have consulted with the client’s health and safety advisor to assess the most appropriate way to ensure safety for all residents during the construction works (cladding remediation and balcony replacement works). This has concluded that, unfortunately the locks on the locks on the balcony doors need to be changed to prevent the risk of any persons accessing a live construction site.

We have considered all the potential issues of doing this in addition to various concerns raised by residents within the property. To this end we have created a question-and-answer section which can be found overleaf where we have sought to address some of these queries.

Question and Answer

1. Why can residents not have access to balconies during the works?
Due to the nature of the works to the balcony the area it would be unsafe for residents to have access, the works include full replacement of insulation, decking etc will create a significant drop from the door threshold. In addition, the entire wall and soffit construction will be replaced as part of the cladding works, there will be power tools and machinery in operation which create hazards and dust whist undertaking these works. Fundamentally, the balcony will become part of the construction site under the Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 and access must therefore be restricted to construction personnel only.

2. Why do the locks need to be changed?
As the contractor, we are responsible for the construction site, we must ensure that the risk is suitably managed. Without changing the locks, we cannot guarantee that access onto the construction site is prevented.

3. Who will hold the keys to the changed locks?
We will ensure that all keys to the new locks will be held with the concierge office under lock and key.

4. How long will residents not have access to the balconies.
The balcony doors will need to remain locked for the duration of the works to that elevation. You will be given 3 weeks’ notice in advance of the appointment to have your balcony door securely locked. We anticipate residents having no access to their balcony for approximately 35 weeks.

5. What is the current fire evacuation strategy for the building?
The fire evacuation policy according to the documents provided to us have identified that the block currently operates under a simultaneous evacuation policy. We also note that the balconies do not form part of the building’s fire evacuation policy.

6. How can I maintain ventilation to my property?
All windows will remain fully operational during the project. Windows are also utilised for additional ventilation for properties without balconies.’